What Is an Intervention?

Do you have a loved one who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or smoking? An intervention program could help your loved one escape the grips of denial, rationalization, and projection.

An intervention is an orchestrated attempt by family and friends to get a family member, friend, or loved one to seek help for an addiction or other similar problems. When one has tried everything possible to inspire or convince their loved one that they need help, but they will not admit into a program, an addiction intervention program is a successful tool in helping you help your loved one escape from the grips of denial, rationalization and projection.

By approaching them from a place of love and compassion, with help facilitated by a addiction interventionist, you will be helping them understand the problem that they have and that a treatment program is needed. Using a professional interventionist will not only ensure that you have taken the appropriate approach, but will also give you peace of mind knowing that you have expressed your love and concern in a professional, impacting, and very effective manner.

Addiction Intervention Process

An intervention is a very strategic process that must be facilitated and properly executed by an addiction intervention specialist to ensure desired results. In order to effectively perform a substance intervention, an intervention team will be established and then thoroughly prepared with the information required for attaining success. All parties involved will understand the purpose, process and techniques of the intervention.

  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse: A Deadly DuoAlcohol and substance abuse is a dangerous combination. You need professional help in order to treat both addictions.
  • User, Abuser, and Dependent: What's the Difference?User, abuser, and dependent. You've heard these words before in the context of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or gambling addiction. What are their differences?
  • Addiction DefinitionAddiction is also classified as a progressive disease. This means that the habit will only intensify as time goes on if nothing or nobody intervenes with the addiction.
  • Intervention FAQsHere are some of the most common questions that families often ask about an intervention, whether for drug, alcohol, or substance addiction.

563 thoughts on “What Is an Intervention?”

  1. I am leaving this message because I have a friend of 13 years that I love and care about very deeply. He didnt have the best childhood for numerous reasons. At some point long before we met he starting smoking crack. In 2017 we started dating and in about 4 months he told me about this. I was devastated. But I remained friends with him. His mom suddenly died in May of 2018 and he was totally destroyed. He and his mom had a very close relationship. His smoking really amped up after this and it is totally out of control. Right now our friendship is on the verge of ending. I can no longer deal with lies and false promises. I would really like to get him help because I dont know what he does to get his fix but it sickens me to think about it. Unfortunately his insurance will not pay for rehab. He wants to go but we just cant find help. If you can do anything at all to help us out we would so greatly appreciate it. He had a big impact on my autistic and now my son doesn’t want anything to do with I’m. He was the first person my son spoke to outside of the family. My son even came out of his shell so far that he actually went to my friends house alone. Meaning it was the first time my son was away from myself or my daughter. I want them to get that back. Please help us. Thank you very much.

  2. my mom has been addicted to heroin and opioids for years. she started with marijuana, then to pills, then finally.. heroin. she’s put me and my brother in many dangerous situations. she turns extremely violent when asked to get help, she’s in denial. she lost me and my brother to the system due to her drug abuse. i need help, i don’t know what else to do.

  3. I have a grandma and grandpa that are addicted to multiple different substances. I currently stay with them. They adopted me when I was very young. Two years ago I lost my biological mom to cocaine. My heart shattered into a million pieces. I would love for somebody to hear my story and please give my wonderful grandparents some help they need. They are just sick, they’re not bad people. I just want my grandparents back.

  4. I have a brother in law who is completely dependent on meth. He needs help and even with the law after him he won’t stop. I’m afraid it will continue to get worse and he needs help. He has struggled with this for years and I’m at a loss of what to do.

    • My daughter’s biological father has the same addiction. He suffers from dual diagnoses. He has pretty much been absent her whole life due to many situations. As she told him recently if he would start getting help she would start to try to build a relationship with him. Having friends who suffer from addiction and dual diagnosis even have said until you can admit you have an issue nothing will work. Addiction is also a brain disease. I suffer from mental health and I was put on 72 hour holds. People my family they thought they could help me. Even though part of me knew it was there at the same time I didn’t wanna see it. I didn’t want to accept it. I didn’t wanna do anything about it. I can still remember the day perfectly when I hit rock bottom and it took me to lose it all in life. It was at that point I realized I needed help. Unfortunately it took that for me to see I needed help. At that point I checked myself in and it was then that I started to turn myself around. I had everybody around me who loved me and wanted me to get better but I still didn’t want to listen beforehand. They say you hurt the ones you love the most and honestly that was very much true. The ones you should listen to unfortunately you don’t. Hopefully he sees what he has in front of him before it’s to late. My mental health was part of the reason it destroyed my family. Another was my fiance who was addicted to painkillers along with Dual diagnoses that haven’t been taken care of.

  5. My daughter has been addicted to meth for years. I tried a local rehab and she was clean for 3 months and went back to the streets leaving her 4 year old daughter that I have been raising. I’m not sure if shes selling or doing prostitution to support her habit and life on the streets. Every day I wonder if shes ok and have to see her daughters broken heart. She may have someone wanting her dead for $800 she owes them. She needs help before it’s too late. Shes 23 years old and has been using drugs since probably the age of 14 🙁

    • You are most likely correct in your suspicions regarding your daughter’s sources of income, and most of all, your fears for her life are not unwarranted. It may not be too late for her, but if SHE doesn’t want her lifestyle to change, it’s all moot point. No matter how much YOU want it for her, or are willing to do and give to help her to obtain this change, it can never be unless she wants it enough to make that first step. She is the only one who can know when she is ready. I am so sorry for your grief and worry and for your granddaughter’s heartbreak. I wish the best for you and your family. The only option for you is to put it it in God’s hands.
      God Bless you and your family,
      Irish Lea Terry

    • Amen Kayla.
      And yet the proper Help is Not available for those who desperately Want Help and Want to Live, Not Die.
      The Doctors, they won’t take responsibility for not only Creating the Monsters but Feeding the Monsters instead of admitting the Very Wrong thing they are doing.
      Our Government is letting it’s Citi down and letting us die.
      They continue to let the Pharmaceuticals create the Devastating Poisons.
      My Doctors Appointment was a let down today when I was asking and hoping for Help, a Lifesaver.
      I have No one in my life that cares if I live or Die.
      I’m so Sick….
      I want to Live 💔😢

  6. How do we contact the show to help a friend/boyfriend?? He’s addicted to heroine and meth and is in a revolving door type life in and out of jail due to child support and probation violation. He’s got some deep rooted trauma and has never dealt with it. He’s not welcome back atone rehab here in our hometown and he’s been to another about 5-6 times. He’s been to rehab 12 times. He’s in jail right now but within a week of getting out he’s going to be back to shooting up and living a life of lies. I love him dearly and want to see him learn how to be clean and live life differently. He needs a rehab not anywhere near home and sober living for multiple months. Please if y’all can help please do. He’s got a son who will be 18 in March and he barely has a relationship with him and the youngest 3 kids were adopted a couple of years ago and don’t even have his last name anymore. He’s a good guy when he’s not trying to get high or get something he needs. I’m desperately trying to get him the help he needs when he walks out of jail in July please please please help us.

  7. I have a sister who has been an alcoholic for 3 years now. She goes in and out of drinking heavily to only having a few drinks a day. She has a fiancé and a 3.5 year old little girl. She needs help to stop drinking as she is a functioning alcoholic. Please help.

    I also have a best friend who’s sister is a drug addict and has been for YEARS. She thinks this is the way her life has to be and does not want to get help. She thinks this is how she is going to live forever and die. Her family is very supportive and try to help her as best as they can but she won’t get the help she needs. She is facing prison/jail time for overdose and charges. She has od’d at least 3 times over the years of being an addict. Please please PLEASE help these two loving, caring, sweet sisters. Neither have the funds to do so and it would be amazing for you to help them. Thank you for your time.

  8. Me (age 56), my oldest sister (58), my younger sister (54) and my younger brother (now deceased) all grew up under the dysfunctional parenting of our mother, who was left with no financial, spiritual, emotional or physical help from any of our three different biological fathers. My older sister and I are full biological siblings.
    I am now estranged from my mother after being cussed by her (again) during our last phone conversation. Our last conversation was tense and obviously volatile as we were talking about the murder of my youngest brother while he was incarcerated. The factual reality of my brothers lifestyle was that he was a serious drug addict and time after time chose an addicts behavior. My sisters and my mom can’t handle hearing this truth about him and they resent me (between themselves) for openly saying it. Since my moms last cussing and phone hang-up, I’ve told her that I’m finished. No more communications or bad behavior between me and any of them. I told my mother that I didn’t want any contact with any of them unless it’s through a family therapist. It’s been three years now with no communication and seemingly no attempts at family counseling.
    What should I do, if I can do anything, to try and get them to join me in family therapy?

  9. I am struggling with addiction. I have no insurance and desperately need help!!! I have two small children and I need help please.


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