What Is an Intervention?

Do you have a loved one who is addicted to drugs, alcohol, gambling, or smoking? An intervention program could help your loved one escape the grips of denial, rationalization, and projection.

An intervention is an orchestrated attempt by family and friends to get a family member, friend, or loved one to seek help for an addiction or other similar problems. When one has tried everything possible to inspire or convince their loved one that they need help, but they will not admit into a program, an addiction intervention program is a successful tool in helping you help your loved one escape from the grips of denial, rationalization and projection.

By approaching them from a place of love and compassion, with help facilitated by a addiction interventionist, you will be helping them understand the problem that they have and that a treatment program is needed. Using a professional interventionist will not only ensure that you have taken the appropriate approach, but will also give you peace of mind knowing that you have expressed your love and concern in a professional, impacting, and very effective manner.

Addiction Intervention Process

An intervention is a very strategic process that must be facilitated and properly executed by an addiction intervention specialist to ensure desired results. In order to effectively perform a substance intervention, an intervention team will be established and then thoroughly prepared with the information required for attaining success. All parties involved will understand the purpose, process and techniques of the intervention.

  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse: A Deadly DuoAlcohol and substance abuse is a dangerous combination. You need professional help in order to treat both addictions.
  • User, Abuser, and Dependent: What's the Difference?User, abuser, and dependent. You've heard these words before in the context of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, or gambling addiction. What are their differences?
  • Addiction DefinitionAddiction is also classified as a progressive disease. This means that the habit will only intensify as time goes on if nothing or nobody intervenes with the addiction.
  • Intervention FAQsHere are some of the most common questions that families often ask about an intervention, whether for drug, alcohol, or substance addiction.

563 thoughts on “What Is an Intervention?”

  1. Hi my name is Becky and I am looking for help for my sister she is a crystal meth addict and she needs help along with my family I am an ex addict my self and have had to cut myself off from her to not relapse my self she has already gotten in trouble for beating up my 12 year old son and gave him a concussion and even hit my mom too. The sad thing is that this is not the first time she has beaten up my dad my brother and even me! I knew she was using way before my parents because she tried to sell to me. When she hit my son that was the final straw for me her kids were taken away and they are beautiful little boys by the ages of 5 and 3 they are now in the system and the family is fighting for them but they are not fighting to save her life she has lost weight dramatically to the point where she is unrecognizable and that is scary I have moved out of texas to ohio to escape the drama but I can help but worry about the kids my mom is trying to get custody of them but they are really not trying to help her they got her an apartment that they pay for they give her a car to drive to pay her cell phone and whatever else they can do. I have asked them to put her in rehab because they dont understand that if my sister continues down this path that she is not gonna live and my parents think that I am being mean but I am not I just dont want to get a phone call in the middle of the night saying that my sisters dead and that her kids have been abandoned it scares me so much I dont want to loose my sister but I am so afraid that I am. i want my parents to stop enabling her and I want her to get help and have the kids back with the family. please please help o tell me how to get help my email is becky.montoya@hotmail.com

  2. Hi my name is Kristian Ruiz I’m 30 years old I’m writing Timbuktu guys in hope of finding help for myself I’m addicted to heroin I been doing it for Luke 7 years now I’m really tired if this lifestyle I hate it I don’t get high no mire I just do it to feel normal and it sucks cuz nit only I’m bringing myself down my family too I want to be the husband and dad they deserve pls pls help me my email is kruiz8420@gmail.com thanxs

  3. Hello, my name is Cyril-Dean Paul Skillman, I have been a drinker for quite sometime now and i’m starting to feel like I need to stop, 4 years I have been drinking and I am feeling really sick now, I’ve been spending all my money on my drinks and no food, I have no food right now and I am so hungry, i’m so sick of drinking this crap i’m starting to go insane,

  4. my daughter tried to commit suicide last night. I have tried to help in the past and this is what it lead to
    I need help in order to help her. I do not want to identify her in the coroners office

  5. Hi, my name is Joshua I’m 26 yrs old and am badly addicted to heroin and would like to tell my story in hopes of a reaction from interventions help..I have been addicted to heroin for 6 years now and have been to prison and lost all my friends and most of my family. I am currently in a methadone clinic but still use every day and I am so tired of hurting my future and my family. I have a 4 yr old son and I have turned my back on him completely. I now have a daughter on the way I was clean for a while lime 6 months and I jus keep coming back to my own demise and using. I have tryed over and over to get clean and it never fails I jus run back to the dope everytime things get too hard for me to deal with. I have overdosed at least twenty times and have contracted hep c due to my use. I want my life back and I want to be a father to my baby’s that I never had. I’m soo ashamed of my self. I let my family down soo much that they have pretty much let me go. My mother crys her self to sleep many nights and I just sit there and shoot up and tell her I will vet better then I steal her Belongings and lie to her blaming mh sister who also uses. We actually support each others habits through stealing and prostitution I hate that I allow her to do this to support my high but refuse to stop her in fear of being sick. I love my sister and want hef go get help too. We are fully and completeley toxic for each other. I want help but I have no money or help to get away to a good program. I’m begging for a chance at life and a chance to be a good example for my kids. I’m tired and I feel like the next needle I stick in my arm may be my last. So please with every thing I am help me and my sister and my family. Thank you for your consideration and time to read this please pray for me and her.

  6. is there anyone that can please help my family? im scared for my 18yr old son. we had to kick him out at 17 due to his drug use. hes homeless. he says hes in a gang. he digs through garbage and steals just to get money for drugs. it started w marijuana, then spice, then meth n now im told hes shooting up meth and heroine. i dont wanna lose my son before hes even out of his teens. he wont accept help from us. im afraid im gonna get a call one day from someone saying my son either died from drugs or something worse. his sisters, father and i cry all the time cuz we dont know where he is, what hes doin, or if hes even alive or not. pls can someone help us? im a mother who believes at this rate im gonna lose my only baby boy……we live in las vegas nevada if anyone knows of any help pls email me at tammara.cunningham@gmail.com

  7. My 18 cousin needs an intervention, I’m scared that if he doesn’t he’s going to die at a very young age. He’s addicted to meth and it’s getting worse and worse day by day. Please help


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